Inflate XXL - Penis Size Enhancer
Product that momentarily increases the size of the penis. When applied, the blood vessels expand and then increase blood flow, giving a feeling of penis enlargement.
Most men are never satisfied with the size or thickness of the penis. Thinking about that, INTT has created a product that momentarily enlarges the size of the penis.
When applied the blood vessels dilate, which increases circulation and provides a feeling of swelling in the body and glans penis.
Inflate XXL can also be used by women in the clitoris region because the feeling of swelling makes the region more sensitive to erotic touch, allowing orgasm to be reached more easily.
The product is kissable with cinnamon flavor and can be used in oral sex.
Instructions for use: 3 applications on the body and glans penis or on the clitoris, making masturbation movements to activate the product more quickly.